President George Bush
Oil on Linen, 40” x 32”
Collection of The Abraham Memorial Library
President Bill Clinton
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 30"
Collection of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Gary Sinese
Oil on Linen, 40” x 34”
Collection of The Abraham Memorial Library
Neil DesGrasse Tyson
Oil on Linen, 40” x 32”
Collection of The Abraham Memorial Library
Prime Minister Tony Blair
Oil on Linen, 40” x 32”
Collection of The Abraham Memorial Library
Steven Spielberg
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 30"
Collection of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Springfield, Illinois
Governor James Edgar
Oil on Canvas, 55" x 44"
Governor of the State of Illinois 1991-1999
Collection of the State of Illinois
David M. Rubenstein
Oil on Linen, 40" x 32"
Collection of The Abraham Memorial Library
Miles D. White
Oil on Linen, 38” x 29”
Collection of Abbott Laboratories
Dr. Dwayne Litfin
Oil on Canvas, 44" x 32"
Past President of Wheaton College
Wheaton, Illinois
Governor James R. Thompson
Oil on canvas, 55" x 44"
Collection of the State of Illinois
Dale W. Lick
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 32"
Former President of Florida State University
Justice Duncan Keir
Oil on Canvas, 38" x 30"Collection of U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Baltimore, Maryland
Dr. John Sciarra, M.D, Ph.D.
Oil on Canvas, 45" x 34"
Professor of Obsteretics & Gynecology, Northwestern Medical School
Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Bernard Bach
Oil on Linen, 42” x 34”
Collection of Rush University Medical Center
Dr. Gregory Waybright
Oil on Canvas, 36" x 32"
President of Trinity International University
Deerfield, Illinois
William J. Broadsky
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 32"
Collection of the Chicago Options Exchange
Justice Thomas Kilbride
Oil on Canvas, 30" x 24"
Collection of the Supreme Court of Illinois
Justice Frank Johnson
Oil on Canvas, 38" x 30"
Justice of the Supreme Court of Montgomery, Alabama
John Schnatter
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 30"
CEO of Papa John International
Louisville, Kentucky
Oil on Linen, 54” x 48”
Private Collection
President Emeritus Arnold Robert Weber
Oil on Linen, 43” x 32”
Collection of Northwestern University
Stephen Branscum
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 30"
Collection of Branscum Construction Co.
Russell Springs, Kentucky
Dr. Donald Gas
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 30"
Collection of Vanderbilt University
Jim Bramsen
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 30"
Spraying Systems Company
Glendale Hights, Illinois
Jim Skinner
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 32"
Collection of the McDonalds Corporation
Oakbrook, Illinois
John Conrad
Oil on Canvas, 45" x 32"
CEO, S & C Electric Company
Chicago, Illinois
Ian Rowen
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 30"
Collection of Lincoln National Corporation
Indianapolis, Indiana
Martin Fienstein
Oil on Canvas, 32" x 24"
Director, Washington Opera
Washington DC
Winifred Jordon
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 32"
Private Collection
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Anthony Terlato
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 30"
Private Collection
Lake Bluff, Illinois
Warren Rosenthal
Oil on Canvas, 36" x 30"
Private Collection
Vern Istock
Oil on Canvas, 32" x 31"
CEO of a Bank Holding Company
Chicago, Illinois
Governor Pat Quinn
Oil on Canvas, 56" x 49"
Governor of the State of Illinois 2009-2015
Oil on Linen ~ 54" x 34"
Private Collection